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Transfer Credit Matrix

This database contains courses that have been evaluated to offer transfer equivalency at the University, including all courses from the Virginia Community College System. Please note that this database is dynamic; we are constantly updating course equivalency data. Please note that equivalencies may reflect the upcoming semester, and transfer credit is awarded based on the equivalency at the beginning of the semester in which you enroll. While this data is as accurate and current as possible, the University retains the right to revise a transfer credit evaluation at any time. This information is not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between the student and the university.

Regardless of course content, courses completed as lower-level (freshman or sophomore) will transfer to Mason as lower-level. For example, VCCS BIO 256 (4)= BIOL L311 (4). Equivalencies offered with an "L" designation do not negate the upper-level requirement. Equivalencies offered with a four-dash designation, such as COMM---- (3) are electives.

Courses completed as upper-level (junior or senior) will transfer to Mason as upper-level. All Mason students must complete 45 hours of upper-level coursework to fulfill bachelor's degree requirements.

Use the form below to look-up course equivalencies for transfer credit.

Select the state and name of the institution from which you would like to transfer credit, then select the appropriate course to see its transfer equivalent, or select "View All" from the drop-down list.

Transfer credit equivalencies for courses within the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) are listed under "All VCCS campuses". (Or, you can just click here.)


All Transferrable Courses
Transferring Institution GMU Equivalent
Course Number Course Name Credits Course Number Course Name Credits
ANPH M01Human Anatomy and Physiology6BIOL 125 & BIOL 124Human Anatomy and Physiology & Human Anatomy and Physiology6
ANPH M01 & ANPH M01LIntro Human Anat/Phys & Intro Human Anat/Phys Lab5BIOL 124Human Anatomy and Physiology5
ANTH M01Biological Anthropology3ANTH 135Intro Biological Anthropology3
ANTH M02Cultural Anthropology3ANTH 114Intro to Cultural Anthropology3
ARTH M100Understanding Art3ARTH 101Introduction to Visual Arts3
ARTH M110Hist Western Art: Prehis-Gothc3ARTH 200History of Western Art I3
ARTH M120Hist Western Art: Renais -Mod3ARTH 201History of Western Art II3
BIOT M10Biotechnology4BIOL 213Cell Structure and Function4
BUS M30Intro to Business3BUS 100Business and Society3
CHEM M01AGeneral Chemistry I5CHEM 213 & CHEM 211General Chemistry Laboratory I & General Chemistry I5
CHEM M01BGeneral Chemistry II5CHEM 214 & CHEM 212General Chemistry Laboratry II & General Chemistry II5
CHEM M12Intro Chemistry I4CHEM 103Chem Sci in Mod Soc I4
CHEM M13Intro Chemistry II5CHEM 104Chemistry for Changing Times5
CJ M01Intro Criminal Justice3CRIM 100Introduct to Criminal Justice3
COMM M01Public Speaking3COMM 100Public Speaking3
COMM M04Interpersonal Communication3COMM L385Spec Top Interpers/Org Comm3
ECON M201Princ of Microeconomics3ECON 103Microeconomic Principles3
ECON M202Princ of Macroeconomics3ECON 104Macroeconomic Principles3
ENGL M01AEnglish Composition4ENGH ----English Elective3
ENGL M01CCritical Thinking & Comp3ENGH ----English Elective3
ENSC M01Environmental Science3EVPP 108Ecosphere-Intro Env Sci I-Lect3
ENSC M01 & ENSC M01LEnvironmental Science & Environmental Science Lab4EVPP 110Ecosphere: Environ Sci I4
ENSC M01LEnvironmental Science Lab1EVPP 109Ecosphere-Intro Env Sci I-Lab1
GEOG M01Physical Geography3GGS 102Physical Geography3
GEOG M02Cultural Geography3GGS 103Human Geography3
GEOG M03World Regional Geography3GGS 101Major World Regions3
GEOG V01Elements Physical Geography3GGS 102Physical Geography3
GEOG V01LPhysical Geography Lab1GGS ----GGS Elective1
GEOL M02Physical Geology3GEOL 101Physical Geology3
GEOL M02LPhysical Geology Lab1GEOL 103Physical Geology Lab1
HED M01Health & Society2HEAL 110Personal Health2
HIST M07ASocial & Political Hist US I3HIST 121Formatn of Amer Republic3
HIST M07BSocial & Political Hist US II3HIST 122Devel of Modern America3
HIST M130US History to Reconstruction3HIST 121Formatn of Amer Republic3
HIST M140US History since Civil War3HIST 122Development of Modern America3
HIST M170Western Civ: Prehist to 16003HIST 101Foundations Western Civ3
HIST M180Western Civ: 1600 to Present3HIST 102Development Western Civ3
MATH M07Precalculus & Trigonometry6MATH 105Precalculus Mathematics6
MATH M15Intro Statistics4STAT 105TIntro Statistics - Transfer4
MATH M21Discrete Mathematics3MATH 125Discrete Mathematics I3
MATH M25ACalculus w/Analytic Geometry I5MATH 113Analytic Geom & Calc I5
MATH M25BCalculus w/Analytic Geom II5MATH 114Analytic Geom and Calc II5
MATH M25CCalculus w/Analytic Geom III5MATH 213Analytic Geom/Calculus III5
MATH M31Intro Linear Algebra3MATH 203Linear Algebra3
MATH M35Applied Differential Equations3MATH 214Elementary Differential Equat3
MUS M08Music Appreciation3MUSI 100Fundamentals of Music3
PE M15Cardio Kickboxing1RECR ----Recreation Elective1
PHIL M01Intro to Philosophy3PHIL 100Intro to Philosophy3
PHIL M02Intro to Ethics3PHIL 151Introduction to Ethics3
PHIL M07Intro to Logic3PHIL 173Logic and Critical Thinking3
PHYS M10AGeneral Physics I4PHYS 243College Physics I4
PHYS M10ALGeneral Physics I Lab1PHYS 244College Physics I Lab1
PHYS M10BGeneral Physics II4PHYS 245College Physics II4
PHYS M10BLGeneral Physics II Lab1PHYS 246College Physics II Lab1
PHYS M20AMechanics of Solids & Fluids4PHYS 160University Physics I4
PHYS M20ALMechanics of Solids/Fluids Lab1PHYS 161University Physics I Lab1
PHYS M20BThermodynamics, Electr, Magnet4PHYS 260University Physics II4
PHYS M20BLThermody, Elect, Magnetism Lab1PHYS 261University Physics II Lab1
PHYS M20CWave Motion, Optics, Mod Physi4PHYS 262University Physics III4
PHYS M20CLWave, Optics, Mod Physics Lab1PHYS 263University Physics III Lab1
POLS M02Comparative Politics3GOVT 133Intro Comparative Politics3
POLS M03American Govt & Politics3GOVT 103Intro to American Govt3
POLS M04International Relations3GOVT 132Intro International Poli3
PSY M01Intro to Psychology3PSYC 100Basic Concepts Psyc3
SOC M01Intro to Sociology3SOCI 101Introductory Sociology3
THA M01Intro to Theatre3THR 101Intro Theatre Experience3

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